Confused ! About which Video Format to Choose From?

    There are various types of video file formats available. Each operating system support different-different types of video format. Sometimes we also confuse which file format is better for our device. In this article, we are going to discuss about it to clear your doubts about a video file format.

MPEG, different codecs for each use

It is based on the QuickTime format, which we will talk about later. In addition to video and audio, it also allows storing subtitles or still images. Another of its advantages is that with MPEG you can stream. It is the standard format for digital video compression and depending on the type of codec it will be ideal for one use or for another.

If your goal is to burn your video to CD, MPEG-1 will be the codec you have to use. On the other hand, if you want a quality product on DVD, choose MPEG-2. When you want to create an audio file, your codec is the famous MP3. And finally, probably the most used by users, MP4 for the web.

If you are thinking of including a video in your Editafácil publication , we definitely recommend the mp4 format

AVI, quality but heavy

AVI is a digital video storage standard created by Microsoft in 1992. With the AVI format, videos of high quality but too heavy are obtained, so its use for the Internet is not recommended.

There are different compression codecs for AVI, but DivX and XviD offer the best compression-quality ratio.

AVI is ideal for storing original videos directly from the camera encoded in DV, it also allows including multiple audio streams, that is, including soundtracks in different languages.

MOV, the Apple format

MOV has been developed by Apple and has its own codec that is updated regularly. In addition to the MOV extension, it can appear with the QT (QuickTime) extension

It has a very good quality-to-weight ratio, which makes it an ideal format for the web. Like the MPEG format, AVI also supports streaming. You can easily switch from MOV to MP4 by converting it. 

WMV, Windows Media Video

It is a set of compression codecs that, as its name suggests, belongs to Windows and although it can be viewed by different players, nothing is better than Windows Media Player. It can even become a problem for users who do not use the Bill Gates operating system.

The resulting file is usually packed in a multimedia container such as AVI, if it is the only video in WMV and if it is only audio in WMA.

So, guys, these are some names of video file formats. Hope to clear your doubts about the video file format. Choose it according to your device support.

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