
Delete Your Facebook Account Permanently

 Since the evolution of Social Media Facebook become the most emphasizing Social Media with the result of mostly appreciable platform. Almost every in this generation familiar with Facebook. It's a great platform to connect with friends, family, and also for the professional aspect.  Nowadays having a social presence digitally is a must, it's not only a great way to relish your relations but it's also a great way to make your professional presence up to mark. But sometimes it's hectic to be on FB that reason could vary from person to person. To depart yourself from the distraction of something over Facebook you also have other ways to solve this, you can block someone on Facebook, or can temporarily deactivate your account. But also you can permanently delete your Facebook profile with these simple steps. Steps to Deactivate Facebook Account: Log in to your Account  Go to the Drop Arrow Icon at the Right Topside Select Setting << from Setting & Privacy N

How Google Family Link parental control works

      Today's world is the digital world. Every day we are connected with technology in various formats such as mobile devices, Tv, internet, etc. Each and every age group connect with it. A young age they are in contact with new technologies, but the truth is that it is also a great danger if we do not control well the use they make of them and especially the content to which they may have access. In this sense, Google offers a service that allows us to carry out a very complete parental control and know what our child is doing and where he is at all times. Leaving a tablet or mobile phone connected to the Internet in the hands of a minor is leaving them the access key to any content. And it is that in the network, we can find a lot of interesting, didactic, children's content, etc., but there is also a lot of content that is not appropriate for the smallest of the house. Therefore, it is advisable to have a parental control service that allows us to control what our childre

Convert Video to MP3

    The Internet is the best option to find Whatever we want.and in that various platforms like Youtube with having a huge library of music videos, Now today we will discuss such a thing which many users need, the thing is a video to the MP3 converter .     This often leads us to find more than we need, as happens when we find precisely the audio we are looking for, but this is accompanied by a video, that is audio and video altogether in the same file. Fortunately, overcoming this obstacle and separating the audio from the video to have the sound available for our needs is quite simple, as we can see in this article.  Video to MP3 Before starting, it is necessary to clarify that the videos are not converted to MP3, since both are different elements that coexist in the same container, that is, the file. What we will do in this procedure is separate the two elements, eliminate the part of the video and leave only the audio, in a format that we can reproduce without problems in

Best PC and Laptop Games

      If you have a gaming laptop and want to enjoy the best games then your on the right platform. In our section of gaming laptops, you can consult a wide variety of possibilities, and if you are still planning your August vacation you may be in time to take one in your suitcase to enjoy the games that we will talk about below. Best Free Games      In addition to mobile games, there are a huge number and variety of PC games that can be enjoyed completely free of charge (usually with optional micropayments that provide additional content and benefits). Many of them are available on Steam and the other mentioned digital platforms, while others must be downloaded directly from their own websites.  Some of these free games have been available for many years, time in which they have received many updates and improvements, and have built large communities of players.  This is the case of League of Legends, the quintessential MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) game, a subgenre

Lightweight Browsers for Android

    If your mobile has less ram and which makes you to browse over the internet due to the heavily loaded browsers for mobile then you should switch over to the light weighted mobile browser.     We are going to share mini or light browsers that consume few resources but that also does not skip on functions that you may need. For example Night mode, ad blocker, data saver, etc. Firefox Lite An ultra-fast and light browser that only weighs 6MB with a turbo mode to speed up page loading and a private mode to avoid crawling. More Features: Capture full screen, shopping search, travel news and discovery, night mode, image upload lock, and clear cache with a tap. Get for: Android Monument Browser: Adblocker A minimalist browser that has surprising features and interfaces due to its size. Its size is about 2M. Private tabs, ad blocker, and social crawler blocker. Dark mode, multi-window navigation. Download: Google Play and (Free) Ama

Best Linux Browsers to Try Out

A web browser is an important tool for surfing on the internet. These web browsers also depend on the OS. You need to download only those web browsers which Support your OS. If you find the best web browser for Linux OS then this article helps you.  Mozilla Firefox: It is one of my favorites, it does not need presentations since it is one of the best browsers that exist. Its free software has always stood out from others. By the way, Netscape, the browser featured in the introduction to history has a lot to do with Firefox, since Netscape decided to release the source code under the GPL license in the hope that it would become a major open source project and win the Battle the then all-powerful Microsoft Internet Explorer. Iceweasel: Created by the Debian guys, Iceweasel is a web browser that was born as a fork or derived from Mozilla Firefox. Therefore, it will remind you of the Firefox browser in certain respects and it shares many features with it and can ev

How to Create Professional email Address

If you are a company manager or association president then you must need a professional email address. In general, is referred to There is no doubt! Here is a simple and concise tutorial to quickly create a free professional email address using your domain. Then we will provide you with tips to create a professional email address and effectively manage your email. What is it a professional email address? Creating a professional email address means including your company name. Here is an example: This type of address is easy to memorize and indicates to the recipient that they are dealing with a professional. It does not fully guarantee your success but it is one of the bases for your credibility. Create a free email address for your company: the requirements First you need a domain to get a free professional email address. Then you must select your messaging service. So far it's pretty easy It